Well, there you have it folks! The biweekly SUSEP peer group has an official name: Dr. SUSEP's Green Eggs and Harm Reduction.
Participants were asked to put forward potential names, which included ...
- Eastside Peer Group
- P.S. I Love Harm Reduction
- Bubba's Group
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club
- Dr. SUSEP's Green Eggs and Harm Reduction
And, ultimately, the last was voted in as the group's favourite.
Every second Thursday, a group of 10-15 SUSEP participants gather at Eastside Works to discuss their goals surrounding substance use and employment, and all the other things that come along with that journey. The purpose of the group is to build a community of like-minded individuals who can support one another and keep each other accountable to their goals. So far, we have experienced a high turnout rate and positive engagement with the group.